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Publicaciones científicas más relevantes
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• mesa-torres n, yunta c, Fabelo-rosa i, Gonzalez-rubio Jm, sáncHez-ruiz Jm, saliDo e, albert a, pey al. The consensus-based approach for gene/enzyme replacement therapies and crystallization strategies: the case of human alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase . Biochem J . 2014 Sep 15;462(3):453-63 .
• HernánDez-Guerra m, González-ménDez y, De Ganzo za, saliDo e, García-paGán Jc, abrante b, malaGón am, boscH J, quintero e . Role of gap junctions modulating hepatic vascular tone in cirrhosis . Liver Int . 2014 Jul;34(6):859-68 .
• luis-lima s, Gaspari F, porrini e, García-González m, batista n, bosa-oJeDa F, oramas J, carrara F, González- posaDa Jm, marrero D, saliDo e, torres a . Measurement of glomerular filtration rate: internal and external validations of the iohexol plasma clearance technique by HPLC . Clin Chim Acta . 2014 Mar 20;430:84-5 .
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A destacar
Institución: Fundación Canaria Rafael Clavijo Contacto: Hospital Universitario Canarias · Serv . Anatomía Patológica, Facultad de Medicina C/ Ofra, s/n . 38320 La Laguna . Tenerife · Teléfono: (+34) 922 679 731 · E .mail: esalido@ull .es
Proyectos de investigación activos:
• SAF2011-23933 Terapia molecular de la Hiperoxaluria primaria. MINECO.
• REGPOT-FP7-2012-CT2012-316137 Improvement of biomedical research and innovation in the Ca- nary Islands . EU-FP7
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