Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Training Programme

The Training Programme works in the organisation and support for training measures intended for members of the CIBERER. Its aims are to encourage trainee research staff to join CIBERER groups, as well as directly organising and cooperating in the organisation of courses and diverse training activities.

To meet these aims, the following measures are implemented through the training programme:

Pre-doctoral aid

Open to graduates joining CIBERER groups.

This is a specific tool for furthering interest in research into rare diseases and attracting new graduates to CIBERER groups, selecting excellence candidates as a pool for researchers into Rare Diseases. This aid means that work can be remunerated immediately on joining the group, with no need to wait for several months until the official grant calls are decided.

Aid for attending courses

Open to all the staff of CIBERER groups with full membership or attached staff. It also provides support for CIBERER researchers for organising training activities and courses.

We provide aid for attending and organising courses open to our research groups for training activities on Rare Diseases. There are also calls for aid for attending courses directly arranged by the CIBERER and its platforms for research.

Aid for mobility

To facilitate training researchers by going on stays at other groups of the centre and national and international external groups.

Research  projects on rare diseases often require highly specialised knowledge or the application of technologies which are not fully mastered at the research group itself. This leads to the need to incorporate this knowledge in the group by holding a training visit by some of the researchers to another center.

Further information
