Grants: The ERA-Net E-Rare has successfully implemented ten Joint Transnational Calls for rare disease research projects since 2006. This effort is now continued in the frame of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD) that has been established to further help in coordinating the research efforts of European, Associated and non-European countries in the field of rare diseases and implement the objectives of the International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC).
Topics: Research projects to accelerate diagnosis and/or explore disease progression and mechanisms of rare diseases.
Transnational research proposals must cover at least one of the following areas, which are equal in relevance for this call:
a. Research to accelerate diagnosis, e.g:
b. Research to explore disease progression and mechanisms, e.g:
Timeline: The call is scheduled to open on December 14, 2018. The indicative deadline for submitting the pre-proposals is foreseen for February 14, 2019. An independent international Scientific Evaluation Committee will carry out a scientific evaluation according to specific evaluation criteria. Based on this central evaluation, selected consortia will be invited to submit a full proposal by early May 2019 (indicative deadline for full proposals: June 11, 2019).
All the information:
Entidad Financiadora: European Commission
Plazo de Presentación: 14/02/2019